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Isaiah 52:13-15 meaningMarch 27, 2023
Isaiah begins his fourth Servant Song prophesying about the Messiah. It speaks of how the Messiah will prosper and be exalted before making predictions that would likely have been difficult to reconcile with what the Israelites believed about the Messiah, because it appears to conflict with other predictions of the Messiah as a conquering king. Isaiah describes the Messiah’s appearance as "marred" and predicts that He will redeem the Gentiles. He ends this opening portion of the final Servant Song predicting that the Gentiles will recognize the Messiah as their Savior without previously being told about Him. This Messianic prophecy is commonly known as the Suffering Servant prophecy.
Numbers 11:31-35 meaningMarch 25, 2023
After the seventy men had been commissioned, the LORD then met the people’s desire for meat in their diet. He caused a wind to blow countless quail into the Israelite camp to supply this meat. As it turned out, this was both a blessing and a curse because not only did the LORD accommodate the people, He also judged them for their lack of gratefulness by sending a plague upon them through the meat.
Numbers 11:26-30 meaningMarch 25, 2023
Verses 26 – 30 speak of two of the elders that did not meet with Moses and the other elders at the tent of meeting. It turned out that the Holy Spirit came upon them even though they were not at the tabernacle. These two men, Eldad and Medad, prophesied just like the other sixty-eight elders, only they did so in the camp. Moses was notified of this, and Joshua urged Moses to stop the two from prophesying. Moses rejects Joshua’s request, and all of them return to the camp of the Israelites.
Numbers 11:16-25 meaningMarch 25, 2023
Numbers 11:16-25 contains the LORD’s answer to Moses’ question.
Numbers 11:10-15 meaningMarch 25, 2023
Verses 10 – 15 contain what some have called "Moses’ Lament." Moses heard, and probably was the recipient of, the never-ending griping of the people in the camp about having only manna to eat. In verses 11 – 15, Moses took his impassioned complaint to the LORD. Moses’ issue with the LORD involved him being chosen by the LORD to be the leader of these miserable, ungrateful, and demanding people.
Numbers 11:4-9 meaningMarch 25, 2023
Not only did the Israelites complain to the LORD. The "rabble" also voiced their demands and disappointments. The main complaint in this section was about food. The rabble and the Israelites bemoaned the lack of the type of food they had when in Egypt. The only food available to them was the manna which was given to them by the LORD.
Numbers 11:1-3 meaningMarch 25, 2023
Sometime during the three-day journey described in chapter 10, the Israelites began to complain. The LORD heard it and became very angry, and He caused fire to burn at the edge of the camp. Moses intervened and the LORD ceased causing the fire.
Numbers 10:33-36 meaningMarch 25, 2023
Verses 33 – 36 give an account of the first leg of the journey from Mount Sinai. It was a three-day trek. The ark led the way on their journey. The cloud guided them as to when they were to move during the day and when they needed to camp for the night. Moses also composed two prayers, one for when they departed from a place and another for when they camped.
Numbers 10:29-32 meaningMarch 25, 2023
Verses 29 – 32 contain the description of something that happened sometime before the Israelites departed Mount Sinai. It involved Moses trying to convince his brother-in-law Hobab to join the Israelites in their journey to Canaan. At first, Hobab declines the offer, but then he agrees to go with the Israelites after being persuaded by Moses.
Numbers 10:14-28 meaningMarch 25, 2023
Verses 14 – 28 describe the order by which the tribes were to leave Sinai. It was the same order as described in Numbers 2:2 – 31. It began with the tribe of Judah, then the tearing down of the tabernacle was done. The other tribes followed in the order established by the LORD. The arrangement of the tribes around the tabernacle was discussed in Numbers 3:3 – 31. Also, the leaders of the tribes are named for the fourth time in the book of Numbers in this section.
Numbers 10:11-13 meaningMarch 25, 2023
At last, it was time for the Israelites to leave Sinai and begin their journey to the land of Canaan. The signal for them to move out was the movement of the cloud from its place over the tabernacle.
Numbers 10:1-10 meaningMarch 25, 2023
The final preparation for leaving Sinai was to institute the blowing of two silver trumpets. They were to be used to gather the people together and to signal the time for the Israelites to begin the next step of their journey and when to prepare for war.
Mark 1:9-11 meaningMarch 24, 2023
Jesus arrives from Galilee to be baptized; the Holy Spirit descends on Him and the Father approves. The Spirit’s descent is visible evidence that Jesus was equipped to fulfill His role to baptize with the Holy Spirit. Having all three Persons of the Godhead present underscores the significance of this commissioning event.
Numbers 9:15-23 meaningMarch 23, 2023
The time for the Israelites to leave Sinai and to go to Canaan was drawing near. The only way they were going to complete the journey was if their LORD dwelt in their midst in order to guide them, protect them, and provide for them. Now that the tabernacle was completed, the LORD entered the tabernacle. He appeared as a cloud during the day and as fire during the night. When the cloud lifted from the tabernacle, the camp would move to the next destination. When the cloud rested on the tabernacle, they camped until the cloud lifted again.
Numbers 9:14 meaningMarch 23, 2023
The last principle concerning the Passover was that of a non-Israelite participating in the celebration. The LORD declared that they could observe the Passover according to the same rules that governed the Israelites’ celebration.
Numbers 9:9-13 meaningMarch 23, 2023
Numbers Chapter 9:9-13 contains the answer to the problem presented in the previous three verses. The issue was that certain men had handled a dead body (making them unclean) and thus were disqualified from celebrating Passover, thus violating the LORD’s command. The answer was that the men in this situation could indeed celebrate the Passover. The section included a warning that a person who was clean and could celebrate the Passover and did not do so was guilty and was to be separated from the people.
Numbers 9:6-8 meaningMarch 23, 2023
In verses 6 – 8, an issue arose when Moses commanded the people to celebrate the Passover. There were men who had handled a dead body and thus were prohibited from observing the Passover. They confronted Moses with this problem, and Moses told them that he would ask the LORD what was to be done.
Numbers 9:1-5 meaningMarch 23, 2023
Following the consecration of the Levites in chapter 8, the LORD then gave more instructions about the Passover. Verses 1 – 5 are concerned with the celebration of the second Passover.
Acts 8:36-40 meaningMarch 20, 2023
The eunuch asks to be baptized in water on the side of the road. Philip asks if he believes in Jesus, and the eunuch confesses his faith. Philip baptizes him, and immediately afterward he is transported supernaturally by the Holy Spirit to the city of Azotus. The eunuch rejoices for his new faith and new life. Philip journeys to Caesarea, preaching along the way.
Acts 8:26-35 meaningMarch 20, 2023
An angel tells Philip to start a journey toward Gaza. On the way, Philip encounters an African eunuch, an official in the court of a Queen. The eunuch is reading a prophecy from Isaiah about the suffering servant, but he doesn’t understand who the prophecy is about. Philip explains that the prophecy is about Jesus’s death for the sins of the world.
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