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Acts 10:30-33 meaningAugust 30, 2023
Cornelius Asks Peter About God’s Message Cornelius recounts the moment where the angel visited him, telling him that God had heard his prayers, and that he should summon a man named Simon Peter from Joppa to come to him, that God had commanded Simon Peter to give a message to Cornelius.
Acts 10:24-29 meaningAugust 30, 2023
Peter Tells the Gentiles that He, a Jew, No Longer Sees Gentiles as Unclean. Peter arrives at Cornelius’s house. Cornelius has gathered his friends and family to hear Peter speak. Peter points out that it is unlawful for a Jew to become friends with or visit a Gentile’s house, but that God had recently taught him to never again consider non-Jewish people as uncommon or unclean. This was the meaning of the vision of the animals. He asks Cornelius why he was summoned to his house.
Acts 10:17-23 meaningAugust 30, 2023
The Holy Spirit Tells Peter to Go with Cornelius’s Servants. Peter wonders what the vision meant. The men from Cornelius arrive at the house where he is staying, and the Spirit prompts him to go away with these men to wherever they will take him; to trust them, because they were sent by the Spirit. Peter obeys. He greets the men, hears how their master was visited by an angel, who told Cornelius to find Peter in Joppa. Peter invites them to stay for the night before they leave. The next morning Peter and a few other Jews head to Caesarea with Cornelius’s servants.
Acts 10:9-16 meaningAugust 30, 2023
Peter Sees a Vision of Unclean Animals While Cornelius’s servants are arriving at Joppa, Peter is on the roof of his host’s house praying. He sees a bizarre vision of unclean animals being lowered down from heaven on a blanket. The voice of the Lord tells him to eat the unclean animals, but Peter refuses to eat anything "unholy." The Lord tells Peter to no longer consider what God Himself has cleansed to be "unholy."
Acts 10:1-8 meaningAugust 30, 2023
The Lord Tells a Centurion to Seek Out Peter A centurion named Cornelius worships the God of Israel and financially supports the Jewish people in the city of Caesarea. An angel visits him and tells him that God has taken note of his prayers, and to send for a man named Simon Peter who is about 30 miles south in Joppa. Cornelius obeys and sends some servants on the errand.
Revelation 21:1-4 meaningAugust 28, 2023
God promises that He will come and dwell among his sanctified people in the new earth where there will be no more pain.
Job 1:6-12 meaningAugust 25, 2023
Satan Challenges God: Satan appears before the throne of God after roaming the earth. God boasts about how righteous Job is. Satan scoffs, claiming that Job only fears God because God protects Job, and has given him wealth and many children. Satan claims Job only does what is right because of the transactional benefit he gets from God. God permits Satan to test Job, but not to harm him physically.
Job 1:4-5 meaningAugust 25, 2023
Job’s Children: Job has been blessed by God with seven sons and three daughters. His children would host feasts, rotating at whose house the party would take place. When each feast ended, Job would summon his children and make sacrifices on their behalf, so that they could be forgiven in case they had sinned in their hearts.
Job 1:1-3 meaningAugust 25, 2023
Blameless Job Job is a righteous man who fears God. By all accounts he is prosperous. He has ten children, is incredibly wealthy, and owns multiple businesses.
Matthew 26:69-75 meaningAugust 3, 2023
Peter’s Three Denials of Jesus: Peter is recognized by various people as a follower of Jesus while the Lord’s religious trials carry on inside the homes of high priests. Despite his earlier promises, Peter denies knowing Jesus three times, each with increasing vigor. When the rooster crows, Peter remembers his now-broken promise and Jesus’s now-fulfilled prophecy and he runs away weeping bitterly.
John 18:25-27 meaningAugust 3, 2023
Peter Denies Knowing Jesus Two More Times: Peter’s second and third denials of Jesus occur during the Lord’s religious trial held at Caiaphas’s house. One of the men to whom Peter denies being with Jesus is a relative of Malchus, the servant whose ear Peter cut off when defending Jesus at His arrest. After this third denial, a rooster crows, thus fulfilling Jesus’s prediction that Peter would deny Him three times before the rooster crows.
John 18:15-18 meaningAugust 3, 2023
Peter’s First Denial of Jesus: Peter manages to enter into the court of Annas where Jesus’s preliminary trial was taking place. While Peter is there, he denies being a follower of Jesus to a slave girl.
Zechariah 7:8-14 meaningJuly 17, 2023
Zechariah spells out four requirements that sum up the ethical teaching of the prophets prior to Judah’s exile to Babylon. He reminds the post-exilic community of Judah that their forefathers’ rejection of that teaching was why God punished them severely by scattering them abroad at the mercy of foreign nations, consistent with the provision of God’s covenant/treaty with Israel.
Zechariah 7:1-7 meaningJuly 17, 2023
Zechariah receives a delegation of returning exiles from Bethel who inquire whether they should continue to fast yearly to commemorate and lament the temple’s destruction. The LORD tells the prophet to inform them that their fasting and feasting did not please Him because they were heartless rituals.
John 18:19-24 meaningJuly 16, 2023
The Preliminary Trial of Jesus: John describes the first of Jesus’s three religious trials. It takes place in the home of Annas, the former high priest. Annas questions Jesus about His teaching. Jesus respectfully reminds Annas that He has always taught openly for everyone to hear and that if there is something He said that was against the law, it was Annas’s obligation to cite and prove it before arresting or interrogating Him. The high priest’s servant strikes Jesus for speaking this way to the former high priest. Jesus mercifully replies that if he said something wrong, it should be pointed out, not met with violence, while offering that what he said was actually true. Having found nothing to accuse Jesus of doing, Annas passes his prisoner onto Caiaphas, the sitting high priest.
John 18:12-14 meaningJuly 16, 2023
John tells us that following His submission to arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus was brought to the house of Annas first. He informs us that Annas was the father-in-law to Caiaphas, the sitting high priest, and reminds his readers that Caiaphas was the one who previously determined it was better that Jesus die than that they risk losing their place or nation. This was John’s way of telling the reader that the trial’s outcome was determined before it began.
Psalm 118:28-29 meaningJuly 14, 2023
Psalm 118 concludes with a familiar refrain: "Give thanks to the LORD for He is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting."
Psalm 118:27 meaningJuly 14, 2023
The psalmist completes his poetic narrative with a declaration that the LORD is God and has given us light. He presents a final scene depicting a festival sacrifice offered in love to God for rescuing him. The language used is prophetic of Jesus the Messiah, who is both the Light of the world and our Passover sacrifice.
Psalm 118:24-26 meaningJuly 14, 2023
The psalmist continues his poetic narrative testifying of the LORD’s salvation with a praise that this day is the day of salvation which the LORD has made. He then beseeches the LORD to send the Messiah, before saying "Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the LORD." This portion of Psalm 118 gives voice to what the crowds proclaimed of Jesus the Messiah as He triumphantly entered Jerusalem.
Psalm 118:22-23 meaningJuly 14, 2023
The Psalmist punctuates his poetic narrative with a memorable architectural metaphor. He says that the stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. The psalmist originally applied this to himself. But it also applies to the Messiah. Jesus and New Testament writers use this prophecy to explain how Jesus’s rejection by the religious leaders of Israel did not disqualify Him from being the LORD’s Messiah.
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