Matthew 19 Commentary
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Matthew 19:1-2 meaning
Jesus leaves Galilee and moves closer to Jerusalem where He will soon be crucified and resurrected. He enters the area known as Judea beyond the Jordan where He heals many among the large crowds that followed Him from Galilee.
Matthew 19:3-9 meaning
The Pharisees come to Jesus and test Him about what Moses said about divorce. They were trying to trap Him. Jesus begins His answer by focusing on what Moses said about marriage before rebuking their hard-heartedness and answering their question.
Matthew 19:10-12 meaning
Following what the Pharisees said about marriage, disciples observe that it is better to not marry. Jesus then speaks about serving God as an unmarried eunuch for those who can accept this lifestyle.
Matthew 19:13-15 meaning
Little children are brought to Jesus, but the disciples turn them away. Jesus calls them back and says to let them come. He tells the disciples that the kingdom of God belongs to them and He lays hands upon them before leaving.
Matthew 19:16-22 meaning
A devout young man who had great influence and wealth remarkably runs to Jesus and asks what else he can do to enter into eternal life. Jesus loves and admires his zeal and tells him to sell his possessions and give to the poor, and follow Him. But the man departs sad because he loved his tremendous earthly treasures more than the kingdom.
Matthew 19:23-26 meaning
Jesus says that is very difficult for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven. He compares this difficulty with a camel passing through the eye of a needle. The disciples wonder aloud who then can be saved to enter the kingdom. Jesus assures them that for them it is impossible. But with God all things are possible.
Matthew 19:27-30 meaning
After Jesus’s interaction with the rich young ruler, Peter expresses a concern about whether they have done enough to enter life. Implied is an underlying question about whether following Jesus is worth the risk or cost. Jesus assures Him that everyone who sacrificially follows Him will receive an exceedingly great reward.
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